Wenzhou Coretronic Ltd.
Tel :0577 -68,666,388 4,006,885,002
Fax 577 -64225579
Project Manager: 13806820163 (Mr. Lin) 13567707058 (Ms. Yuan) 18858720085 (Mr. Wu) Qq: 248688005 228676213 2390968506 1147285623 1178298998
E-mail: 13806820163@139.com
Business office: Longgang Town, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, 548 West First Street Factory Add: Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Industrial Park A6Instrument State Building, No. 13-14, after Website: http://www.wzzqledcom
Shanghai Office: Baoshan District of Shanghai Fu Fu Road, a total of 377 Village Lane, No. 18 (a total of four villages rich) Phone: 400688500213
Wenzhou Office: Ouhai Wutian Avenue intersection in Sanyang Telephone: 4006885002 13567707058
Suzhou Office: Xiangcheng Li Chien-Yuan Road 55 after oral Phone: 4006885002138
Ningbo Office: Phone: 4006885002135
All countries have had engineering, consulting the national toll-free: 4006885002 |